DLP Program Baseline and Health Checks

Has your DLP system turned into shelf ware? Could it use a little tune up? Have your DLP policies created excessive false positive incidents which are filling up your database are not being remediated? Could your DLP program could use a review to determine areas of improvement that would allow your organization to extract more value from your implementation?

We understand that in today’s busy enterprises, dedicated security resources for a DLP program may not be possible. As a result, regular maintenance and improvement of your program may not have been a priority and could use additional assistance and review so that your implementation back in-line with your program goals.

Let the experts come in and evaluate your DLP system against best practices to put it back on track to success. This may include a review of your current infrastructure, DLP policies, and incidents and workflow against industry best practices. We will help to align your implementation with your program goals and extract maximum value from your DLP investment.